If you are looking at targeting international visitors on the web, the first step is to look at your Google Analytics account to see where the visitors are coming from. In Google Analytics, audience overview, demographics will show the language and country of the visitors. Next, hire writers and translators to convert the content to different languages. Finally,use a HrefLang for SEO and the user.

For companies optimizing multi-language sites, use HrefLang tags. HrefLang help for SEO by not showing duplicate content. Google crawlers understand that certain pages, section, subdomain or country code level domains (cctlds) is targeted by a specified country. Showing the right page for the language is important to convert the visitors and lower the bounce rates. Language and location dependent information improves the user experience. Moreover, international companies should use HrefLang Tags to mark up pages that are similar in meaning using different languages.

Learn more about HrefLang by watching this video

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International search engine optimization involves optimizing your website for the search engines can identify the countries you wish to reach. International SEO helps you rank your site for a particular country using preferred keywords in different languages.  Some global brands have only one site, using subfolders for their multilingual or multi-regional content.
Server location has significant influence on your rankings because of the server performance. Have the server in the host country because it is faster for the website. The more distant the server, the slower the site speed and will impact the user experience. Some International SEO companies use Google translation for the user to choose the language.  Do not use Google translation for international SEO.  Others, have pages translated in different languages and have the pages programmed by so that when IP comes up from different country, the language of that country shows up.  Pay for translators, which is the best way.  The premise of high quality back links still apply with well written content.  Also, know the local engines in the host countries.  Local engines get you back links as well.  Citations come into play as well.  Responsive design is also the key.  


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Local SEO is integral for businesses and entrepreneurs. It is a niche strategy that entrepreneurs should implement. Local SEO is significant in terms of visibility providing results that are relevant to a searcher based on their current location.  Your business needs to be found in your local area, which is a great way to acquire customers. Local SEO is the most important part of your business. All business can benefit from local SEO. Google shows local business because Google wants to give the user what they are looking for.

Link building, social media, profile creation and responsive design are important factors. Local SEO creates link building opportunties.  Share your articles on your social media created platforms to increase your link building strategy.  Make sure you appear on the Google search results. It is also recommended to make sure your mobile website is responsive. Customers expect the same experience with a mobile device as well as using desktop. Furthermore, implement local seo in your marketing strategy to increase your visibility and revenue.


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A question that we receive from customers is what is a schema? A schema is defined by types such as organization, location, person, products, events and so on. Use a schema markup in websites to improve your SEO. Implement a schema to produce rich snippets. The reason being Google, Bing and Yahoo are all involved in Schema.org to create and support a common set of schemas for structured data markup on web pages.

Google encourages the use of schema. They propose using the schema.org vocabulary to mark up website content with metadata about itself. This markup can be recognized by search engine spiders and other parsers. Therefore, gaining access to the meaning of the sites. Moreover, a schema can boost your website in the search engine result pages.

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Time to incorporate video into your marketing. Large and small businesses that do not incorporate video in their marketing are losing out. 90% percent of all Internet traffic comes from video. Online video is everywhere you look on social media and websites.

Video is a great marketing tool because it brings more engagement and interest to your website. It is appealing to watch video. In addition, video gives the business owner more opportunity to get creative and unique with the high quality you choose to show. Video can also boast your site for SEO. The search engine Google and Youtube combined represents 90% of search.

Enhance your online marketing to the next level. Speak to our team about video integration in your online marketing campaign to acquire more customers.

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You are an entrepreneur or a corporate refugee looking to develop a web presence and be found online. Small companies can compete with large companies for organic traffic. Small businesses do not have the budgets and staff to outspend large companies and have to be clever. Small businesses have an edge in local targeting.

Google does favor big brands in SEO. Large companies have millions of inbound links as well as years of content. Big brands can easily spend tens of thousands on SEO. In addition, large companies can have millions of visitors online. Large businesses have a major advantage because of name recognition and reputation. Millions of back links, millions of visitors are the reasons large corporations rank in the top positions in search.

Here is how your small business can compete against the large companies in SEO:

1. Have a niche local product or service
2. Have your website designed to be responsive. Responsive design gives the user the same experience in mobile as desktop. Google states that more 60% of searches from mobile devices
3. Invest in Local SEO
4. Use a Schema
5. Use a reputation management platform to get reviews. Search engines love user-generated content. Reviews can help your ranking in Google Local. Reviews are also good for the consumers to read.
6. Do not pick general key terms. Pick long-tail keywords
7. Start a blog and write high quality content
8. Content is king. Personalize high quality content to the visitor
9. Develop link worthy content: useful, entertaining, unique, insightful or valuable. blog posts, articles, white papers, eBooks, videos, photographs, case studies. Google tends to give weight to links from major companies, trade groups, government organizations, and suites built on edu domains, which are reserved for educational institutions.
10. Create a social media presence for your business and be active on it.
11. Use Google Webmaster tool
12. Use Bing Webmaster Tool
13. Have your website site user friendly with fast load speeds
14. Use Google Analytics and review your stats

For help developing a SEO program,contact me for a quote.

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Are you a corporate refugee? Are you looking to start a business? Are you considering being an entrepreneur? Entrepreneurs have many tasks such as raising capital, attracting talent and getting their businesses off the ground. Start to think what you are good at and avoid the naysayers.

One of the first steps you will need to start a business is to define your brand.The American Marketing Association defines a brand as a name,term,design,symbol that differentiates one seller from another. To increase your brand’s chance of success,you need to know five things:

1. How strong is the perception of your brand, and what would make it stronger?
2. What is the true level of consumer satisfaction for competitor brands?
3. Will your brand introduce emotional connections with consumers who do not currently exist in the market segment?
4. What percent of the market will consider change because of the disruptiveness of your product?
5. How much awareness can you gain for the brand?

Therefore, the answers to those five questions will determine your chances for successfully branding your product.

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Mobile has changed the SEO game. According to Google, more than 50 percent of search queries globally now come from mobile devices. ComScore predicts that by 2020 more than half of all searches will come from voice search. When doing a search with your mobile phone, mobile works by showing the nearest location of a business by the cell tower. Digital Assistant, Siri, Google Assistant, Alexa and Cortana is the next area for digital marketers to focus on. Moreover, voice search is going to have an integral role in the future of SEO.

Local SEO is necessary for a business to be found on mobile. A business needs to have their name, address, telephone number consistent in the directories for local SEO.
A website needs to be responsive to match the user experience of a desktop to user experience for mobile. In addition, a schema is recommended to use. A Schema help a local business stand out in search through rich results. Furthermore, these are the steps to do for mobile and voice search.

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Do not fear reviews. Reviews can give assurance to your customers that your brands are trustworthy. Positive reviews can convert to new customers. Third party positive reviews can increase the stream of transactions. 92% of consumers now read online reviews. 84% of people trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation. 73% of consumers think that reviews older than 3 months are no longer relevant. Review management is a powerful way for business success.

Reviews can influence visibility in Google Local Search. A steady flow of positive review can lead to an increase in purchases. Facebook is a valuable signal to Google. If you make customers unhappy on the Internet, they can each tell 6,000 friends. Americans tend to mention a good brand experience to an average of nine people, but will talk about a bad one to 16 people. Furthermore,implement reputation management in your marketing program.

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Okay, you have an excellent website. When searchers go online using their desktop or laptops and arrive at your website, it provides a positive positioning of your business and services. It offers, states why they should do business with you, ensures them of your credibility,and issues to call to action.

Did you know of a new technology, one that you may have already own, has added another dimension to how individuals search for information online? Did you also know that Google predicts that by sometime in 2013 more searches will be initiated from smartphones(iPhone, Droid, Blackberry) than from desktop/laptops? The change has already taken place in 2012 when individuals search for a nearby restaurant. Furthermore, it is expected that a record number of smartphones will be sold in 2012.

Your website that is pretty and easy to navigate via a desktop/laptop PC does not look so pretty and is almost impossible to navigate on a smartphone. Smartphone users expect to able to access and execute commands via their thumb or finger without having to pinch and enlarge. Consumers are beginning to expect a desktop similar experience via their mobilie devices.

In a survey of smartphone uses, 55% of respondents replied that a frustrating experience hurts their overall opinion of that brand. Not having a mobile friendly website helps your competition. If a mobile prospect goes to your website and does not find it to be “mobile friendly”, 79% of mobile searchers say they are likely to search elsewhere. They click off your website and go to your competitor’s website.

Some additional results from a 2012 Google study are:

70% of mobile users compared prices,
65% have read product reviews,
50% of mobile searches leads to sales.

As you can see, a mobile friendly website can lead to more prospects that you convert to customers, which leads to more business.

By default, smart phones have constraints, i.e., tiny screens, limited bandwidth and navigation. When RP Design Web Services develops your mobile website, we optimize the design to address this environment, encompassing it is working on all mobile devices and platforms. The mobile web design that we develop for you will also have a fast download time and easy navigation. In addition, our mobile website retain the branding already established by your desktop/laptop website.

These are some of the benefits of our mobile website development. Allow our mobile web design experts to support your business goals by developing for you an online mobile presence to compliment your desktop/laptop presence

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