Having problem receiving email on your Phone.

It can be annoying when you stop getting email on your mobile device.
There are a number of obstacles that may prevent the phone from looking into the mailbox ranging from phone software issues to carrier filters and lack of internet access. These are caused by the phone software, internet access and any filtering on the behalf of the phone service provider.

To check on whether this is the case, please do the following:

1)The first step when fixing a problem is to find out what the problem is.
2) If your email account is over its disk quota, you will not receive email as well.
3) Make sure that you have internet connectivity on your mobile device by visiting any website on the device’s browser.
Note: IF the message does NOT come to your webmail provide the email address of the sender and receiver. Report any possible bounced message to your IT Support. Your IT support will need to troubleshoot.
4) Check to see if the message comes to the phone.
5) Settings are correct
6) The carrier is NOT blocking ports, servers or has other filters, the message should come.
7)Restart the Phone. After you have restarted your device, check if the email problem continues.
8)See if the phone has any updates
9) See if the latest mail app is running
It is the phone software responsibility to use the internet provided by the carrier to successfully look into that same mailbox where your web-base email is looking. If you are still having problems, bring phone to your carrier to check it out. Moreover, use these steps to troubleshoot email that you are not receiving on your mobile phone.

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According to the Nokia Threat Intelligence Report, Smartphone malware infections have surged 96% from 2015 to 2016. An Alcatel-Lucent Motive report states that 71% of phones have no security features to defend against this data-stealing software. A hacked phone allows for a thief to steal your identity as well as drain your bank account. Cellphones are getting smarter, they have become less like phones and more like computers, and susceptible to hacking. Your phone may have already been infected so check delayed receipt of e-mails, texts, sluggish performance when surfing the Internet and shorter battery life. In addition, check for unexplained charges on your cellphone bill.

What can you to do prevent your mobile phone from being hacked?

1. Lock your phone
2. Back up your phone
3. Set a password
4. Do not share your password
5. Keep your software up to date
6. Do not use Unsecure or Free Wi-Fi instead use a private hotspot through your phone or using a virtual private network
7. Install an anti-virus app
8. Don’t click on unknown links
9. Activate your phone’s location tracker
10.Turn off bluetooth
11. Bank the old-fashioned way
12. Stay off social media until you get home to post your vacation photos.
13. Regularly switching out your SIM card.
14. Don’t open email if you don’t know the sender.
15. Don’t answer text messages that ask for personal information.
Furthermore, follow these steps to avoid your phone from being hacked.

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Companies lose money on down websites. Gartner reports the hourly cost of downtime for computer networks at $42,000. A company that suffers from worse than average downtime of 175 hours a year can lose more than $7 million per year.

Good development is an integral part of your website.You have a beautiful website;however, users are leaving because some features are not functioning. Over time, just like cars need maintenance, so do web sites. Open source platforms require maintenance to prevent vulnerabilities. Running old versions of the core and modules makes your site vulnerable to hackers and will eventually lead to its exploitation and information compromise. You need to be aware that you have a security vulnerability in your code. The code needs to be fixed. Moreover,to prevent hacking, websites need to to be secure,safe, and updated.

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It is time to use SSL for websites. Use SSL Certificates for all websites. There are many benefits of using SSL Certificate such as:

1. Increases your Google Rankings
2. Google search ranks HTTPS websites higher
3. enhance trust
4. encrypt sensitive information. By doing this, you save your website from showing warning signs.
5. In 2017, every new website project should include HTTPS.

SSL certificates ensures information from your computer to the website is encrypted. Google announced in 2016 that Chrome would start to explicitly label HTTP connections as being Not Secure. By using a ssl, you save your website from showing warning signs. As of January 2017, Google Chrome followed other browsers by displaying an insecure connection warning when entering sensitive information in to websites without an SSL Certificate installed. Chrome marks HTTP pages as non-secure. Google came out and said that they are going to start favoring websites that have an SSL certificate. This is done to keep users safe. More importantly, it illustrates to Google that you are concerned with user experience as they are. Moreover, websites with installed SSL Certificates are not so easily hacked.

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Is your website design outdated? Is your website responsive? Is the content on your website current?

In deciding to do a redesign, review your stats to give you a baseline at where your traffic is currently. If your website has high bounce rates, few leads and sales, redesigning your website is a good idea. Broken links on website clearly illustrate that your website is dated and needs a redesign. In addition, look at the design to see if the look is outdated. When your website is not effective anymore, it is time for a redesign. Your website needs to make a strong impression to the visitor. Often times, you need a website in order to communicate with visitors on your site and ultimately improving your sales. The website needs to be easy to navigate and user friendly. Also, the links on the website should be working.

If your website is not responsive, it is time to make the website responsive. A responsive website automatically changes to fit the device that the user is using. Users expect the same experience on mobile as on the desktop. According to ComScore, desktop is relatively flat in total engagement, it is losing share to mobile, which now accounts for 65% of digital media time spent.

A prospect will search the web to solve a problem. Your content should be engaging and personalized to the visitor, including containing keywords and a call to action to move the visitor down the desired path. Engaging content is content that informs, entertains, and adds value. Relevant content to your audience that helps visitors with an issue they currently have. Use content that describes a problem and comes up with a solution. Incorporate a video that shows a problem and a solution. Create video testimonials of your customers in how your product and service helped a customer achieve their results. Moreover, develop a case study to help users see how your product or service will help them reach their desired results. Furthermore, by adding a blog it adds fresh content for the user and the search engines love fresh content.

The time is now to make your website aesthetically beautiful, website responsive and update content.

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Artificial Intelligence is the concept of machines being able to carry out tasks in a way that humans consider smart. Artificial intelligence is the ability of a computer to perform a task by itself without human input. The goal of Artificial Intelligence is the development of computers that are able to do things normally done by people. AI utilizes user experience, big data, and machine learning to produce results that meet user needs.

Artificial intelligence allows search engines, such as Google and Microsoft, to learn more about search queries. Google’s RankBrain,and Microsoft’s RankNet AI tool used to connect the right information to the right people. Google is working on artificial intelligence (AI) to read your content. It can tell when your content is poor. Visitors reading can tell poorly written content and will click away. AI will affect the sites using black hat SEO tactics.

For SEO, content is the king. You need to focus on users centric quality content, earning high-quality backlinks,and proper on page SEO. Continue to write content that is well-written, relevant to the subject matter that you optimize a search and is fresh for readers. Create youtube videos and visual content. Search engines are learning to know what a video,audio clip and image is about. Moreover, SEO is moving towards user engagement data.

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Customers often ask should they use cable, DSL and fiber optic internet? Choosing cable, DSL and fiber optic internet all depends on your needs. You need to pick a provider that delivers internet connectivity reliably. You also need to see what service offering is available in your area.

Cable internet is an option with nationwide coverage of 89% in the United States. It delivers to your home via your cable service. It is faster than DSL with speeds often ranging above 100 Mbps. The speed of the data transmission using cable internet is less dependent on the distance between your cable connection and the location of the service provider. The data speed is dependent on the number of users sharing the cable connection at one time. A major drawback is sharing the service with people in your neighborhood. This means that it can be extremely slow during busy times.

If you only need to use the internet occasionally, DSL is probably the best option. DSL is also the cheapest. This allows you to use the net at quality speeds at an affordable rate. It also has nationwide coverage of 90% in the United States. It is also the slowest with rates up to 25 Mbps. DSL service is entirely based on distance. The further you are from the service provider, the slower your service is. Reliable service requires central offices to be placed relatively close 18,000 feet to where customers reside to receive optimum service.

Fiber optic internet would be the best choice for receiving the fastest possible speed and is up to 25x faster than the alternatives. Fiber Internet uses glass and is resistant to interference and has speeds of up to 500 Mbps. If your neighborhood is already wired, then you can take advantage of all that Fiber Optic Internet offers by connecting your home. The challenge is finding service in your area. Currently, nationwide fiber coverage is 25% in the United States. Fiber optic internet is the future of the Internet. Check Verizon,AT&T U-verse,Google Fiber and Comcast Xfinity are currently offering a residential Fiber Optic Internet connection.

Depending on availability my first choice would be to use fiber optic internet. My second choice would be cable and third would be dsl to use. Moreover, if you like uploading videos and playing games use fiber optic internet and cable internet.

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You are in the process of developing a website design and functionality. Now that you are developing a website, you need a web host that can support your web site platform.

Web hosting plan is significant in getting high traffic and conversions. Do not select a cheap web host provider that slows down your site and constantly drops the visitor out. You want your website hosting plan to be scalable as the website gains popularity. You also want a reliable website host. Choose a provider with an up-time guarantee of at least 99 percent. Also, you need your website backed up by the website host. Have the web site automatically backed up by your web hosting service each evening to protect your data.

There are many business web hosting options to choose from. You need to know how to properly compare the web site host to each other. Your website needs a web host that can support the platform of the website. Moreover, going cheap for website hosting can be detrimental to your business by impacting your website performance or worse yet crashing your website. Furthermore, this would lead to visitors leaving your website and losing potential business.

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High real estate costs in prime locations are making it expensive to keep stores open. Changes in shopper behaviors,online shopping which has led to retailer bankruptcies. Within 20 years, half of America’s shopping malls in the United States will close.

Because of the changes in shopping behavior, retailers need a substantial internet marketing presence more than ever. 90 percent of shoppers research online before making purchases. With thinning margins and significant competition from all over the internet, retailers need to incorporate an ecommerce platform to survive. The retail trend is e-commerce,buying goods and products online that are delivered to your door.

Technology,wireless connection,and smartphones allow for consumers to search on the web, compare prices and buy online utilizing mobile or desktop. E-commerce plays a significant factor in the revenue of retailers. Retailers can increase sales,increase revenue and lower cost by incorporating e-commerce. Moreover,those retailers who are able to adapt to rapid and continuous changes will achieve the greatest success. Furthemore,those who refuse to change will likely fall behind.

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Traditional marketing is expensive for small to medium size business. Traditional marketing often misses the target audience and has a low return on investment. Small businesses need to advertise and reach their niche audience. Think social media in particular Facebook as an integral way to advertise. Social media offers a tremendous way to increase exposure and traffic for your business. It also can generate leads, sales and create loyal customers.

A more economical way to advertise for small business is using Facebook ads. Facebook ads are much cheaper and tend to cost a fraction of what other online marketing channels cost. $50 will get your message in front of 5,000 to 10,000 people.Businesses can target users with Facebook Ads by location,demographics,age,gender,interests,behavior,and connections. Facebook has more than 1.5 billion users. It is larger than any other single media business. Promote your brands and services and expand your business. Utilize Facebook Ads to bring new traffic to your website, generate leads and sales. Therefore,it is time to implement Facebook ads into your marketing program. Moreover, Facebook ads are worth your time and money to invest.

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