Companies need product innovation to grow and survive. In order to thrive in the globally competitive environment, companies have to be innovative. A company that does not innovate becomes a commodity. When your company becomes a commodity, your products are based on price. Lowering the prices leads to lower profit margins,leads to less likely to invest in keeping the product current. Revenue that declines over an extended period, needs explanations and solutions. In fact, a survey by McKinsey stated that 94% of the managers were dissatisfied with their company’s innovation performance.

Startups have the advantage in innovation. Startups have less bureaucracy than an existing company and are more agile. Larger businesses are slower and less able to adapt. SBA reports that small business contribute to at least half of the major industrial innovations in the United States. An innovative product must be unique and compelling to the consumer, to create a competitive advantage. Innovation that produces products that perform better, more reliable, add value, will get customers to spend more. Furthermore, companies need to continuously innovate or risk closing the business.

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Advertising in the Yellow Pages is expensive and not effective. Yellow Pages are a lead generation service. The return on investment is low. We have clients who used the Yellow Pages. They were paying too much for their ads and not seeing a return on investment. Their phone stopped ringing, their landing page was not seeing traffic from their Yellow Page placements. Therefore, our clients cancelled their service.

The Yellow Pages representatives are aggressive. Some advertising customers sign up with the Yellow pages and are trapped with a contract. These customers do not understand what is offered. Remember, just because the Yellow Pages report points out calls that calls are not sales.

For the money saved from cancelling the Yellow Pages, implement a digital marketing strategy instead. Forrester states that US digital marketing spends will near $120 billion by 2021. Forrester reports that consumers between 18 and 35 years old spend 600 billion per year. There is more money being spent on display ads instead of pay per click. Visitors start their search for your products or services using a search engine such as Google. Consumers evaluate a business on visibility, reputation, and reviews. Moreover, use retargeted ads to convert more visitors.

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Time to incorporate digital marketing to your business budget and spend more. Digital advertising has surpassed television advertising. Magna reports that Digital ad spending in 2017 reached $209 billion worldwide, which accounted for 41 percent of the market. In 2017, TV brought in $178 billion 35 percent of the market. According to Vincent Letang, TV global growth is diminishing. Letang also reports that in most major developed markets, TV growth is slowing and in some cases stagnating.

Consumers behavior has changed. Consumers have become more digital and mobile. This is because of sites such as YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video. These sites are replacing television news, entertainment and television programs. Digital advertising offers a prime way to reach multi-device, multi-channel consumers.

Digital advertising is more personalized to the consumer than television. To the consumer, personalized advertising means unique content. This can be used when consumers are looking to buy a product and personalized ads reflect on previous purchases of the consumer. Moreover, personalized ads have higher click through rates and will lead to more leads and sales. Furthermore, reallocate your money from TV ads to digital advertising to get a higher return on investment.

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The time is now for your newspaper to get serious about the web and digital marketing. Let Seo Marketing Now help and develop the right digital marketing strategy.

For the news industry, new revenues are critical for survival. According to the Newspaper Association of America, print ad revenues have fallen from $44.9 billion in 2003 to just $16.4 billion in 2014. The report also states that digital ad revenues $3.5 billion in 2014 which have barely budged since 2006. Pew Research estimates total U.S. daily newspaper circulation (print and digital combined) in 2016 was 35 million for weekday and 38 million for Sunday. Both print and digital have decreased 8% over the previous year.

Print advertising revenue is sinking faster than digital revenue. Pew Research reports that seven publicly U.S. newspaper companies advertising revenue across the industry declined even more sharply than in recent years leading to a 10% decline.

Benefit of utilitizing Seo Marketing Now is to increase the Web revenue stream. Our consulting and design services will help you:
.Cut costs
.Increase Sales
.Brand Your business
.Increase advertising and marketing ROI
.Increase Subscribers
.Improve Customer Service

Let our team distinguish your newspaper from the crowd at an affordable price. Contact SEO Marketing Now for a Newspaper Web Site Design that SELLs your newspapers.

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Have you made the mistake of outsourcing work to India and found that the web site still needed repairs and code fixes? Hire our team to correct the coding errors and get the web site bug free and running!

We repair sites and code fixes. Overseas IT outsourcing is not always cheaper or as effective as doing the work in the United States. Outsourcing web based information technology is more complicated than traditional IT. It is more difficult to gauge since web IT requires communication that may be blurred by cultural differences and management that is made more difficult by distance.

Here are some of the hidden costs of IT outsourcing:

1.Long distance, missing the face to face relationship.
2.Coordinating the work of global teams is costlier than coordinating work locally.
3.Copyright issues
4.The intellectual property issue is important. Do you trust them to not copy your code and sell it?
5.How trust worthy is the firm?
6.Consider the quality of the programming when deciding whether to outsource. Often times, the companies that outsource are not getting the first team, resulting in poor or unusable code.
7.The declining dollar has led to an increase in IT services priced in foreign currency. Contracts are written in dollars while costs incurred in foreign currency.
8.Cost advantage has become dramatically less compelling for labor arbitrage to be attractive.
9.The inflow of American greenbacks is at an all time high, creating a surplus of dollars versus Indian rupees. The value of the rupee is rising.
10.Rising cost
11.Demand has outstripped supply, causing labor rates to increase.
12.Price Inflation
13.Communication and customer service
14.High employee turnover in overseas IT firms’ results in unreliable code.

Several of our clients have learned the hard way and come to us to repair the damage done by overseas or incompetent developers.

We overcome the hidden costs of doing business overseas: culture, distance and capability. Allow us, as we have done for others, to convert your ideas into a web business at a cost you can afford without the delays and possible failure of doing business with overseas developers.

Let us show you in simple, understandable terms, how we can save you money while helping your business bring in more revenue.

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It is hard enough for small companies to compete with large companies for SEO. This is because large companies have millions of inbound links as well as years of content. Big brands can spend tens of thousands on SEO. In addition, large company websites can have millions of visitors online. Large businesses also have an advantage because of name recognition and reputation. Smaller companies do not have the large budgets and the staff that large companies have.

It is in the best interest for small businesses to defend net neutrality. Net neutrality simply prevents ISPs from slowing down or blocking any content, applications or websites you want to use. In particular companies working in SEO marketing as well as other online industries. Net Neutrality is important to small businesses. This is because all internet traffic needs to be treated as equal for startups and small business to have access to the same resources as the big companies. Without net neutrality, attention goes to the highest bidder. This will to lead to competition over money rather than quality. Smaller SEO companies prices skyrocket to compensate for the cost. This will lead to smaller companies raising their prices to their consumers. Smaller players may not be able to afford to pay extra fees that larger services can to avoid getting blocked or slowed down. This can impact SEO because website speed is a factor in SEO.

For larger companies, this is great news. Large telecom corporations and large cable providers can have more control over what Americans see and read. This would give monopolies more power will make it harder for new companies to enter the marketplace. The largest internet service providers can easily be able to start favoring online content and services they own over others. According to Inverse, Verizon, AT&T, Comcast, and Charter are the ISPs for about 76 percent of the 94.5 million internet subscribers in the United States. According to Sandvine, 70% of North American internet traffic in peak evening hours comes from streaming video and audio sites like Netflix and YouTube. Morevover, ending net neutrality can allow telecoms to adjust speed,cost, and access to different websites or types of data.

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A domain is an integral part of your brand. Losing a domain by not providing an updated credit card with the domain registrar can be frustrating and costly. Since your domain expired, your website and email would go down. When a domain is removed from the account, the DNS records and name servers are removed. All emails sent to you when the site was down and the domain expired would be bounced back to the sender.

When your domain expires, the domain will be in auto renew grace period typically 0-45 days. Next followed by a 30 day redemption grace period. By the end of the redemption grace period, you will be unable to renew your domain name. In addition, the domain name will be released for registration by third parties. Moreover, someone else can snatch the domain and it can be costly to possibly repurchase the domain back.

If your domain name has expired, renew it immediately to get your website and email back up. A registrant using Godaddy can renew the expired domain name with no extra cost up to day 18. You can renew an expired domain name anytime between day 19 and day 42 with Godaddy. To do this, the registrant pays for the cost of the domain and the registration fee. You need to renew your domain name through the registrar, which provided you with the domain name. If you manage the domain, it is recommended to buy a registration for 5 or 10 years. Setting up an annual auto renew payment. Provide a credit card on file that does not expire. Furthermore, once you renew the domain, the website and the email will be back up.

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You noticed that you are having internet connection problems and it is frustrating. When you experience issues accessing websites and ping seems to be working properly, there is a possibility that websites are experiencing problems on their end. Data travels through multiple devices and links during its trip across your network. In testing using a ping test, you experienced a pack loss. Packet loss is described as a loss of data during digital communication transmission. The loss of data creates a negative user experience. You want a 0% packet loss. Any loss, no matter how small can be an enormous problem with your network setup. Some of the issues include: not being able to go to websites, videos being skipped, and breaking-up of voice communication. The loss of pack can be the following: 1. Router/Switch/Firewall issues 2. Software issues 3. Damaged Hardware , Cabling 4. Internet Service Provider.

This is what you can do: 1.Check that there are no cables or ports poorly installed 2. Restart routers and the modem. If you are experiencing problems with a variety of websites, it maybe caused by your modem or router. The modem is the device that communicates with your Internet service provider 3. Make sure the network software is up to date. 4. Replace broken equipment.

You can also check your internet service provider status by going to
Select your internet service provider, click check past issues to see if there are internet issues. You can read the comments generated from users. In conclusion, this is what you can do to test and fix internet connection problems.

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A legitimate message that is snagged by a spam filter can lead to lost business. A common reason emails do not get delivered is because of the reputation of the email sender. Email providers and readers have raised the standards for what content makes it into the inbox and stays there. Emails that land to your spam folder are unpredictable. Frankly, it is not unheard of for mail to be triggered as spam, especially when it exhibits the following behaviors:

1.File Attachments
4.Suspicious Subject Lines
5.Bulk mail (large quantities sent in a short time period by the same sender)

Its always a good idea to check your SPAM folder for legitimate email. In the event of legitimate email you can do the following:

1. Whitelist the sender email address
2. Whitelist the sender IP address
3. Change the Spam Handling protocol
4. Have the sender remove their signature, or share files using a file sharing site instead of attachment
5. Turn off Spam filtering (NOT RECOMMENDED)

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UntitledAre you a corporate refugee looking to sell products online? Are you an entrepreneur looking to start an ecommerce business where you sell your products online? If so, join the millions of entrepreneurs in the world of e-commerce. Running a business is inherently risky. It takes planning, persistence and determination.

E-commerce businesses can distinguish themselves by utilizing an ecommerce platform with price, customer service and interactive experience. There are sales to make, orders to fill, and payments to receive. E-commerce companies need to focus on gaming. Gaming enhances brand engagement, which creates a lasting memory. This helps brand stand out from the crowd and attract new customers. Keeping visitors as participants in your website. E-commerce experts agree that your product pages are the most important pages on your site. You need product page that people will want to buy from. It is recommended that E-commerce websites display multiple photos per product. The photos require high-resolution and optimized for page load. Have user-generated reviews of your products. Websites need to be mobile responsive. In addition, websites need to be secure by containing a ssl certificate. Your website from your hosting provider needs to be speedy. Pages should take no more than a second or two to load. This will make the site feel better when you navigate it. Moreover, the ecommerce website needs a payment network so that it is easy to place orders, a database to store orders and the ability to connect to inventory networks.

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