Category: Video

Did you just launch a new website? Is your business looking for ways to increase website traffic? Is your website traffic down? Does your website make your business money? If you have a website, your business is ahead of the …

Increase Website Traffic Read More »

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Video is a high value, powerful and compelling strategy to deliver interesting content. Recent research reveals that video advertising is increasingly growing and used to drive interest, buzz and downloads in the mobile app economy. Video ad spending has accounted …

Video Ads Read More »

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Do you know who the largest search engine and second largest search engine is? The largest search engine is Google and YouTube owned by Google is second. Bloomberg reports that YouTube accounts for half of all Google activity Determine how …

Need to Incorporate Videos Into Your Marketing Read More »

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Time to incorporate video into your marketing. Large and small businesses that do not incorporate video in their marketing are losing out. 90% percent of all Internet traffic comes from video. Online video is everywhere you look on social media …

High Quality Videos Read More »

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