Category: Social Media

If you ever took a marketing class in school, you learned that word-of-mouth is the best kind of marketing. Wikipedia defines word of mouth marketing as: Word of mouth is a reference to the passing of information from person to …

Social Media: The New Word of Mouth Read More »

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RSS, usually translated as “Really Simple Syndication,” and sometimes “Rich Site Summary,” is a standardized web file format used to publish frequently updated works: such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video. An RSS Document (called a “feed” or …

RSS: What it is, and why you should be using it. Read More »

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Facebook is the fourth most-popular site on the web. What is Facebook? To understand what facebook is, you need to understand social networking. Wikipedia defines social networking as online communities of people who share interests and/or activities, or who are …

10 Ways for a Business to Get More Out of Facebook Read More »

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