Category: Marketing

Mobile has changed the SEO game. According to Google, more than 50 percent of search queries globally now come from mobile devices. ComScore predicts that by 2020 more than half of all searches will come from voice search. When doing …

Mobile has Revolutionalized SEO Read More »

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Do not fear reviews. Reviews can give assurance to your customers that your brands are trustworthy. Positive reviews can convert to new customers. Third party positive reviews can increase the stream of transactions. 92% of consumers now read online reviews. …

Use Reputation Management Read More »

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Okay, you have an excellent website. When searchers go online using their desktop or laptops and arrive at your website, it provides a positive positioning of your business and services. It offers, states why they should do business with you, …

Mobile Website Read More »

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Questions that we often receive from our customers are should we do reciprocal links?  Reciprocal links take a reader from your website to another website. From our experience, most of these companies soliciting our clients have lower page ranks and would …

Reciprocal Links Read More »

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Are you looking to get more Facebook likes? In this blog, we list how to get more Facebook likes. 1. Offer discounts and promos on your Facebook Fan page. 2. Show support for your brand to your Facebook friends 3. …

How to get more Facebook Likes? Read More »

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Are you looking for a way to improve customer service on your ecommerce website? Are you also looking for another way to decrease shopping cart abandonment and increase sales on your website? How about a way to differentiate your website …

Use Live Chat to Improve Service Read More »

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If you are the owner of the Google Local Listing, claim it. Claiming your listings is an opportunity to be found by more people in more places. People are searching for local businesses. Google has integrated their local search into …

Claim Your Google Local Listing or It Might be Hijacked Read More »

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For those of you who advertise on Google Adwords and cannot see your ads, see below for suggestions: 1. Use the Ads Diagnostic Tool: This tool can help explain why your ads may not be appearing. You can find detailed …

Check the Reasons why your Google Paid Ads are not Appearing Read More »

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Do you ever wonder the factors that impact your search results? How does web traffic reflect your web site rank? Traffic has a direct impact to your web site’s rank among Google search results. The higher the rank, the more …

Factors that Impact Search Results Read More »

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Having Trouble Getting Customers to Your Web Site? You are not alone ….. even big business struggle to be noticed. According to Inc Guidebook, the Web has some 120 million Internet domains and tens of billions of index pages. Each …

Even Big Business Struggles to be Noticed by SEO Read More »

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