Category: Marketing

Artificial Intelligence is the concept of machines being able to carry out tasks in a way that humans consider smart. Artificial intelligence is the ability of a computer to perform a task by itself without human input. The goal of …

How Artificial Intelligence Impacts SEO Read More »

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Customers often ask should they use cable, DSL and fiber optic internet? Choosing cable, DSL and fiber optic internet all depends on your needs. You need to pick a provider that delivers internet connectivity reliably. You also need to see …

Internet Service Providers Read More »

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Traditional marketing is expensive for small to medium size business. Traditional marketing often misses the target audience and has a low return on investment. Small businesses need to advertise and reach their niche audience. Think social media in particular Facebook …

Why You Should Advertise On Facebook Read More »

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If you are looking at targeting international visitors on the web, the first step is to look at your Google Analytics account to see where the visitors are coming from. In Google Analytics, audience overview, demographics will show the language …

HrefLang Tags Read More »

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International search engine optimization involves optimizing your website for the search engines can identify the countries you wish to reach. International SEO helps you rank your site for a particular country using preferred keywords in different languages.  Some global brands have only one site, …

International SEO Suggestions Read More »

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Local SEO is integral for businesses and entrepreneurs. It is a niche strategy that entrepreneurs should implement. Local SEO is significant in terms of visibility providing results that are relevant to a searcher based on their current location.  Your business needs to …

Local SEO Read More »

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A question that we receive from customers is what is a schema? A schema is defined by types such as organization, location, person, products, events and so on. Use a schema markup in websites to improve your SEO. Implement a …

What is a Schema? Read More »

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Time to incorporate video into your marketing. Large and small businesses that do not incorporate video in their marketing are losing out. 90% percent of all Internet traffic comes from video. Online video is everywhere you look on social media …

High Quality Videos Read More »

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You are an entrepreneur or a corporate refugee looking to develop a web presence and be found online. Small companies can compete with large companies for organic traffic. Small businesses do not have the budgets and staff to outspend large …

Small Companies Can Compete with Large Companies in SEO Read More »

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Are you a corporate refugee? Are you looking to start a business? Are you considering being an entrepreneur? Entrepreneurs have many tasks such as raising capital, attracting talent and getting their businesses off the ground. Start to think what you …

Branding Read More »

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