Category: Marketing

You have a great idea for a new product. Document your idea, research a product, develop the prototype,file a patent and create a business plan. Now comes the strategy about the product launch. Launching a new product involves innovative tactics. …

Successful Product Launch Read More »

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Companies need product innovation to grow and survive. In order to thrive in the globally competitive environment, companies have to be innovative. A company that does not innovate becomes a commodity. When your company becomes a commodity, your products are …

Companies Need Product Innovation Read More »

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Advertising in the Yellow Pages is expensive and not effective. Yellow Pages are a lead generation service. The return on investment is low. We have clients who used the Yellow Pages. They were paying too much for their ads and …

Advertising in the Yellow Pages is Expensive Read More »

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Time to incorporate digital marketing to your business budget and spend more. Digital advertising has surpassed television advertising. Magna reports that Digital ad spending in 2017 reached $209 billion worldwide, which accounted for 41 percent of the market. In 2017, …

Digital Advertising Surpasses Television Advertising Read More »

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The time is now for your newspaper to get serious about the web and digital marketing. Let Seo Marketing Now help and develop the right digital marketing strategy. For the news industry, new revenues are critical for survival. According to …

Newspaper Web Site Design Read More »

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It is hard enough for small companies to compete with large companies for SEO. This is because large companies have millions of inbound links as well as years of content. Big brands can spend tens of thousands on SEO. In …

Net Neutrality Impact on Small Companies Read More »

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A domain is an integral part of your brand. Losing a domain by not providing an updated credit card with the domain registrar can be frustrating and costly. Since your domain expired, your website and email would go down. When …

Domain Expires How to Get Back Read More »

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You noticed that you are having internet connection problems and it is frustrating. When you experience issues accessing websites and ping seems to be working properly, there is a possibility that websites are experiencing problems on their end. Data travels …

Internet Connection Problems Read More »

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A legitimate message that is snagged by a spam filter can lead to lost business. A common reason emails do not get delivered is because of the reputation of the email sender. Email providers and readers have raised the standards …

The Reason Why Legitimate Emails Go into Spam Folders Read More »

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It is time to use SSL for websites. Use SSL Certificates for all websites. There are many benefits of using SSL Certificate such as: 1. Increases your Google Rankings 2. Google search ranks HTTPS websites higher 3. enhance trust 4. …

Utlize SSL for SEO Read More »

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