Category: Marketing

Mobile is an important channel that has changed everything. It has revolutionized the way people communicaticate with each other. Mobile is the world’s most personal and important communications channel. Globally, mobile drives the most traffic. A mobile phone is an …

Mobile An Important Channel Read More »

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Are you looking to improve your customer engagement? Are you looking to build a brand? Are you looking to improve your customer loyalty. Mobile apps play an important role to your business marketing strategy. Regardless of a business size, all …

Business Needs Apps Read More »

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Do you have time to do social media? Do you have the manpower to do a social media campaign? Do you need help coming up with content? As an entrepreneur, there is limited time and resources to do social media. …

Entrepreneurs Need to Use Social Media Read More »

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Do you know who the largest search engine and second largest search engine is? The largest search engine is Google and YouTube owned by Google is second. Bloomberg reports that YouTube accounts for half of all Google activity Determine how …

Need to Incorporate Videos Into Your Marketing Read More »

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Are there layoffs at the large company that you work at? Are the layoffs taking a toll on you? Is the work atmosphere toxic? Are you laid-off? By going through those experiences, you will learn that you are more passionate …

Entrepreneurs Read More »

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Do you have any online reviews for your company? Do you know the amount of reviews that your company has? Would you like to acquire more reviews? In this blog, it is pointed out that reviews play an integral role …

How to Get More Reviews Read More »

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Are you in need for more links to your website? Links to your site is a fundamental factor driving your search engine rank and your website traffic. A link needs to provide one more of the following signals, relevancy, popularity …

Looking To Get More Links Read More »

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The Wall Street Journal reports that Google handles 90% of the world’s internet searches. Local SEO keeps becoming more integral each day. Not only has mobile revolutionized SEO with digital assistants,your reputation,local SEO is significant in terms of visibility providing …

Google Questions And Answers Read More »

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Is your website visible? Do you know your website visibility score? Do you want to see a tool to see your website visibility? If your website cannot be found, you need to improve its visibility. To attract more customers your …

Is Your Website Visible? Read More »

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Are you a corporate refugee? Are there layoffs at your company? Do you feel fearful of being laid off? If so, start your business and be your own boss. Be an entrepreneur and control your destiny. Take the risk and …

Be An Entrepreneur Start Your Business Read More »

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