Author: Cory
Cory is currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science from Eastern Connecticut State University. Cory is skilled in XHTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, C/C++, and Objective-C. Cory has extensive knowledge of open source software, and participates in the development of well-known software projects, such as Mozilla Firefox and Drupal.

RSS, usually translated as “Really Simple Syndication,” and sometimes “Rich Site Summary,” is a standardized web file format used to publish frequently updated works: such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video. An RSS Document (called a “feed” or …

RSS: What it is, and why you should be using it. Read More »

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Whenever you search Google for some type of business near a certain area, not only does it query its usual web results and AdWords database, it also queries its Google Local database. Google’s Local Business Center Listings are the information …

Google Business Center & Google Local (Better than the Phone Book) Read More »

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Facebook is the fourth most-popular site on the web. What is Facebook? To understand what facebook is, you need to understand social networking. Wikipedia defines social networking as online communities of people who share interests and/or activities, or who are …

10 Ways for a Business to Get More Out of Facebook Read More »

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This is our third and final post in the SEO Marketing Tips series (but keep in mind not the final post with SEO tips). We are going to discuss the parts of SEO usually directly related to the design of …

SEO Marketing Part 3: Navigation, Linking Read More »

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Today is our second post on SEO Marketing Tips. We are going to discuss two important aspects of any Search Engine Optimization campaign: Tags and Titles. When your computer views a webpage, there is data that you cannot see that …

SEO Marketing Part 2: Tags n’ Titles Read More »

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In short, content that pleases search engine users, and fulfills and information need or prompts them to purchase something, is good. Content that’s highly optimized for search engine algorithms, but fails to satisfy search engine users, is virtually doomed to a fate of obscurity.

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