The Reason Why Legitimate Emails Go into Spam Folders
A legitimate message that is snagged by a spam filter can lead to lost business. A common reason emails do not get delivered is because of the reputation of the email sender. Email providers and readers have raised the standards for what content makes it into the inbox and stays there. Emails that land to your spam folder are unpredictable. Frankly, it is not unheard of for mail to be triggered as spam, especially when it exhibits the following behaviors:
1.File Attachments
4.Suspicious Subject Lines
5.Bulk mail (large quantities sent in a short time period by the same sender)
Its always a good idea to check your SPAM folder for legitimate email. In the event of legitimate email you can do the following:
1. Whitelist the sender email address
2. Whitelist the sender IP address
3. Change the Spam Handling protocol
4. Have the sender remove their signature, or share files using a file sharing site instead of attachment
5. Turn off Spam filtering (NOT RECOMMENDED)
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