11 Secrets To Better Time Management For Entrepreneurs

11 Secrets To Better Time Management For Entrepreneurs

11 Secrets To Better Time Management For Entrepreneurs

Why is it that the Bill Gates of this world are rich and famous? What trick do they know that the rest of the people don’t? If you study their lives closely, you’ll discover the rich and well-known have certain practices that credit to their success. Effective individuals are very careful about how they invest their time. No matter how you slice it, all of us have 24 hours in a day, so the key depends on learning to utilize our time sensibly. Below are some methods you can drastically increase your performance through more efficient usage of your time.

1. MONITOR HOW YOU CURRENTLY USE YOUR TIME: If it appears like your day slips by all too rapidly, try producing a log of your everyday activities. When you see where you are investing your time, you can determine and focus on the activities that supply the greatest returns for you personally and financially.

Start your log by making a note of what time you get up, prepare yourself, and start work. Determine how much time you spend on individual activities such as email, phone calls, and client work.

2. COMPUTE HOW MUCH YOUR TIME IS WORTH: Time is money. Knowing how much your time is really worth can help you make much better decisions as to whether you need to carry out a job or outsource it. For example, if your time is worth $200 an hour, you are far better off paying somebody $30 an hour to edit your newsletter. You can “bank” the other $170 per hour by investing your time in earnings-making activities. Likewise, take the time to determine just how much time a day you require to spend on billable activities to make your wanted revenue.

I try to invest 1.5 hours a day on cash-making projects.

3. CREATE A DAILY SCHEDULE: Don’t begin your day without a to-do list. Make a list of tasks and classify them into organization structure activities, client activities, and individual items. Then break larger uncontrollable jobs into smaller-sized “achievable” chunks so they are less intimidating and are much easier to accomplish.

4. PRIORITIZE: Have more to do than hours in the day? By prioritizing your jobs, you’ll make certain that you are taking on the products that matter many. Create a system that works for you. One basic way of focusing is to mark items with A, B, and C.

Ask yourself these crucial questions:

What products MUST be done today?

Which products can be rescheduled?

What can be handed over?

Which jobs most carefully match my top priorities and objectives?

Which products can be removed?

5. LEARN TO SAY NO: Are you including another product on your never-ending TO DO list? You are in control of your time. Be strong and promote your individual limits. When you are well-rested and treat yourself and your family to the time off you deserve, you’ll feel better and more efficient when it’s time to return to work. **

Before you state yes, ask yourself these questions:

Do you actually have the time or energy to do that extra task?

Do I like this client? Are they helpful for me?

Will it be profitable?

Does it get into your personal time?

Does it involve doing something you take pleasure in?

Does it harmonize your list of top priorities and goals?


ELIMINATE DISTRACTIONS AND TIME SUCKS: Time sucks are lurking everywhere like viruses. Think about which activities are consuming your time. For me personally, these products include email, social calls, and telemarketers. I “conquer” the email devil by closing down my Outlook when I am working. When a member of the family calls during work time, I politely ask if I can call them back during the afternoon and advise them of my work hours. Caller ID valiantly saves me from the “would be” telemarketer time burglars. With one glimpse, I can quickly distinguish telemarketers from crucial customer calls.

7. STICK TO THE PLAN: Try not to get sidetracked from your plan. Among my pals has a slogan, “A lack of preparation on your part does not make up an emergency for me”. It’s a smart one to live by. Unless it’s a true emergency situation, or you are being paid “rush” time, you probably don’t require to squeeze an eleventh-hour request in today.

Also, by assigning yourself project deadlines, you can keep on top of tasks and prevent those feared last-minute emergency situations.

8. PICK AN INSPIRING PLACE AND TIME: We are all “built” differently. Do the tasks which take your most “brain power” when you are at your prime. Are you an early morning individual or do you work finest burning the midnight oils? Create an ultimate work sanctuary that is tidy, interruption totally free, and motivating. My office neglects my flower garden and is ideal in the heart of household activity. As I glance to the right, our Angelfish “Spike” happily parades across the aquarium. In front of me, Monet has a remarkable display of peach poppies in a field. Above me, Monet is painting a vibrant portrait of his flower garden. In the living room, my child is softly singing the Spiderman theme to himself – music to my ears!


BUNDLE LIKE TASKS TOGETHER: As you work through your day-to-day list, attempt to chunk your tasks into like activities. By creating a separate “chunk” of time for addressing e-mail, invoicing, making a return call, you’ll conserve time and mental energy.

10. PREVENT INTERRUPTIONS: Trying to do the exact same thing over and over again with interruptions can be frustrating. Once you start a task, attempt to finish it to the end. If something comes up that you require to bear in mind or do, unless it’s urgent, simply include it on your list and advance with your current project.

11. BE ORGANIZED: When things are tidy, it saves you time and frees you to focus on the job at hand. Digging through a stack of papers and finding a squished Twinkie isn’t very favorable to the work experience. Follow your own organizational style. PHONE LISTS: For circumstances, I arrange my phone lists into groups according to how I use them: friends, family, physicians, my children’s playmates, and so on.

I likewise list people in my telephone directory that I speak to on a first-name basis by their first name alphabetically.

E-MAILS: Another time-saving concept is to color-code your emails. In my individual color design, I utilize one color for clients, one for newsletters, and another for my colleagues. You can likewise group your emails using categories and folders.

ONE CALENDAR MEETS ALL: Keeping track of work visits, conferences, and committee meetings can be very tough. My secret to keeping on top of family and work visits is to arrange them all on one calendar.

SUMMARY: Why await success when you can actually arrange it! By mastering your time, you can accomplish far more with less effort. Be choosey about how you spend your time. Focus on activities that most closely match your objectives. By taking time to keep an eye on, measure, and handle your time, you will enjoy an abundance of success and happiness. Click Here To Learn More


Kevin has 20 years of experience in sales, marketing, technology, video production, product marketing, and project management. Kevin is a Marketing Director with RP Design Web Services. Kevin received an MBA from Southern Connecticut State University and graduated with a 3.92 GPA. As stated by one of his Management Professors Dr. Robert Page at Southern Connecticut State University that Kevin was the best student that the professor ever taught. He is also a graduate of Arizona State University, W. P. Carey School of Business with a Bachelor of Science in Marketing. W. P. Carey School of Business #23 Best Undergraduate Business Programs, ranked top 30 nationwide since 1995. It is one of the top business schools in the country. The marketing undergraduate major ranks 11th. Academic rigor: The W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University is a highly ranked business school, with a rigorous academic curriculum. This means that ASU graduates have a strong foundation in business knowledge and skills. Arizona State University is a top 1% of the world's most prestigious universities- Times Higher Education, 2018. ASU has ranked #1 in the United States for innovation ahead of #2 Stanford and # 3 MIT - U.S. News & World Report, 2016,2017, and 2018. Kevin just recently attended Tony Robbins’ Unleash The Power Within, a 3 ½ day live seminar. Kevin is a former member of Toastmasters International where he achieved the designation of Competent Toastmaster Award and Competent Leadership Award. Excellent public speaker and presenter (Toastmaster Award). Presented at the Javits Center “How the Web impacts the Construction Industry” Presented at the Baltimore Convention Center “How the Web impacts the Construction Industry” Kevin has strong experience in search engine optimization, local SEO, reputation management, video production, and web-based marketing solutions. Kevin also has experience working at a Fortune 500 company Graybar. Businesses depend on Kevin to make sure they have a constant flow of new prospects. Kevin improves business communications between customers, employees, and the world.

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