Buyer’s Journey On A Web Site

education-1651259_960_720 Businesses who decide to invest in the buyer’s journey are the most successful. Focus on the decision journey where they can be most successful in influencing those decision makers.

Become a trusted source of information. By being a trusted advisor, visitors will come to your business and turn to your business when it comes time to buy. By establishing yourself as an expert in the field, you become a trusted advisor. That is where the buyer’s journey comes into play. Customer journey is a process in which customers learn, encounter, and interact with your brand. The buyer’s journey involves the active research process a buyer goes through when purchasing a product or service. Engage customers with compelling content. Build your business by using an effective marketing strategy.

There are various stages that a buyer will take before purchasing. As a business, your goal is to help the buyer identify their problem. The first one is learning. The buyer recognizes they are experiencing pain that needs to be solved so they begin to search for a solution. Visitors start out needing to learn more about what your business sells before the visitor considers a purchase. At this stage, the visitors learn about your products. Educate the user and create content that solves their problem. You can have white papers and educational blog posts at the learning stage.

This will move them into the next stage the shop stage. In the shop stages users know precisely what kind of product they want to buy. The buyer explores different solutions. Provide content that highlights the different products or services your company offers. Use customer testimonials, videos highlighting your products or services.

The important money stage is the buy stage. The buyer looks at the solution that they have identified and justifies a purchase decision. Content offers at this stage could include product comparisons, and case studies. Your website needs to convert the most valuable searchers. The visitors that are searching with phrases which indicate they are ready to buy.

The use stage comes next. Create a video show how easy it is to use the product. You can also write an article about the easiness of your product. Furthermore, keep these tips in mind and develop a strategy that leads to high conversions.


Kevin has 20 years of experience in sales, marketing, technology, video production, product marketing, and project management. Kevin is a Marketing Director with RP Design Web Services. Kevin received an MBA from Southern Connecticut State University and graduated with a 3.92 GPA. As stated by one of his Management Professors Dr. Robert Page at Southern Connecticut State University that Kevin was the best student that the professor ever taught. He is also a graduate of Arizona State University, W. P. Carey School of Business with a Bachelor of Science in Marketing. W. P. Carey School of Business #23 Best Undergraduate Business Programs, ranked top 30 nationwide since 1995. It is one of the top business schools in the country. The marketing undergraduate major ranks 11th. Academic rigor: The W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University is a highly ranked business school, with a rigorous academic curriculum. This means that ASU graduates have a strong foundation in business knowledge and skills. Arizona State University is a top 1% of the world's most prestigious universities- Times Higher Education, 2018. ASU has ranked #1 in the United States for innovation ahead of #2 Stanford and # 3 MIT - U.S. News & World Report, 2016,2017, and 2018. Kevin just recently attended Tony Robbins’ Unleash The Power Within, a 3 ½ day live seminar. Kevin is a former member of Toastmasters International where he achieved the designation of Competent Toastmaster Award and Competent Leadership Award. Excellent public speaker and presenter (Toastmaster Award). Presented at the Javits Center “How the Web impacts the Construction Industry” Presented at the Baltimore Convention Center “How the Web impacts the Construction Industry” Kevin has strong experience in search engine optimization, local SEO, reputation management, video production, and web-based marketing solutions. Kevin also has experience working at a Fortune 500 company Graybar. Businesses depend on Kevin to make sure they have a constant flow of new prospects. Kevin improves business communications between customers, employees, and the world.

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