Net Neutrality Impact on Small Companies
It is hard enough for small companies to compete with large companies for SEO. This is because large companies have millions of inbound links as well as years of content. Big brands can spend tens of thousands on SEO. In addition, large company websites can have millions of visitors online. Large businesses also have an advantage because of name recognition and reputation. Smaller companies do not have the large budgets and the staff that large companies have.
It is in the best interest for small businesses to defend net neutrality. Net neutrality simply prevents ISPs from slowing down or blocking any content, applications or websites you want to use. In particular companies working in SEO marketing as well as other online industries. Net Neutrality is important to small businesses. This is because all internet traffic needs to be treated as equal for startups and small business to have access to the same resources as the big companies. Without net neutrality, attention goes to the highest bidder. This will to lead to competition over money rather than quality. Smaller SEO companies prices skyrocket to compensate for the cost. This will lead to smaller companies raising their prices to their consumers. Smaller players may not be able to afford to pay extra fees that larger services can to avoid getting blocked or slowed down. This can impact SEO because website speed is a factor in SEO.
For larger companies, this is great news. Large telecom corporations and large cable providers can have more control over what Americans see and read. This would give monopolies more power will make it harder for new companies to enter the marketplace. The largest internet service providers can easily be able to start favoring online content and services they own over others. According to Inverse, Verizon, AT&T, Comcast, and Charter are the ISPs for about 76 percent of the 94.5 million internet subscribers in the United States. According to Sandvine, 70% of North American internet traffic in peak evening hours comes from streaming video and audio sites like Netflix and YouTube. Morevover, ending net neutrality can allow telecoms to adjust speed,cost, and access to different websites or types of data.
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