International SEO Suggestions
International search engine optimization involves optimizing your website for the search engines can identify the countries you wish to reach. International SEO helps you rank your site for a particular country using preferred keywords in different languages. Some global brands have only one site, using subfolders for their multilingual or multi-regional content.
Server location has significant influence on your rankings because of the server performance. Have the server in the host country because it is faster for the website. The more distant the server, the slower the site speed and will impact the user experience. Some International SEO companies use Google translation for the user to choose the language. Do not use Google translation for international SEO. Others, have pages translated in different languages and have the pages programmed by so that when IP comes up from different country, the language of that country shows up. Pay for translators, which is the best way. The premise of high quality back links still apply with well written content. Also, know the local engines in the host countries. Local engines get you back links as well. Citations come into play as well. Responsive design is also the key.
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